Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring Planting

It is the day before Easter and as such it is a wonderful time to think about new life.  New life around our house often times means new plant life.  Each planting season is a new experiment for Jonathan who installed some drip irrigation which is supposed to cut down on wasting water as well as the number of weeds that will grow.  A few hours after planting he also realized that the squirrels might be a problem if the decide to chew through our new irrigation system.  Argggh!  Pesky squirrels...

Here are some pictures of Jonathan and Gavin using the push planter to help plant the seeds.  This neat little contraption made the work go a lot faster and neater than in the past (also Gavin came back much less dirty).

They planted corn, green beans, white acre peas, cucumber, snap peas, okra, tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe and probably some other things.

I was inside trying to clean the house and Nathan was out with Grampa B hunting some sweet potato slips since we couldn't seem to find them in any of the farm stores.  Anyway aren't my farm boys cute!


Julie said... have a real garden. Ours is like 1/100th the size of yours. Y'all could eat off your garden for a good while...I'm hoping that we get at least a meal.

The Williams family said...

Landon and I have a garden about Julie's size too. I have never been successful at growing anything, not even catus. I think Landon might be my "good luck" charm. I think we might get to eat a few things I grew this year.