Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring Break Camping Trip at Chick-Fil-A

For part of our Spring Break we camped out in a Chick-Fil-A Parking lot for a grand opening of one of their stores down in the Fort Myers area.  As one of the first 100 customers you get coupons for free meals for a year.  We had no idea what we were in for, but it was crazy fun.  Uncle Chris was our experienced Chick-Fil-A camper so he showed us how it was done.  Many of these families have been to tons of camp outs.  There were lots of homeschool families there as well as people who were a little cooky, but it was still interesting.

Here is a picture of Gavin roaming around in tent city.  People are camped out all around Chick-Fil-A waiting for it to open.  They fed us and had tons of games and whatnot... we just were not allowed to leave.

Nathan and Gavin are watching the hoola-hoop contest.  We got there at about 3:30 a.m. and the kids never went to sleep for naps (even though I really wanted one).  As the night wore on you could tell Nathan was getting tired because every contest lost was a devastation.  Still he just did not have the dancing/singing/hooping skills to win anything.

Here is Uncle Chris relaxing outside of our tent playing video games.   He is trying to enjoy the shade.  Nathan of course is just praying that Uncle Chris will say that he can play with the DS... good luck!

Gavin doesn't know how to use a hoola-hoop, but he spent copious amounts of time trying to learn.  His biggest obstacle to overcome involved keeping his arms up, instead of accidentally hitting the hoop.

It isn't the best picture, but when night fell a DJ came out and there was dancing as well as karaoke.  This picture is of Nathan trying to win the Macarena Contest!  

Really the entire event was so much fun.  Families danced and played until about midnight when we ended the evening with ice cream sundaes and Truett Cathy Jr. talking to us about the company.  It was a lovely event and if anyone ever has the time I would say it was worth it.  The only problem I had was the fact that I have a major caffeine addiction, and once I was there I couldn't leave so by the end of my time there my head felt like it was going to break in half. 

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